"Generosity is to help a deserving without his request, and if you help him after his request, then it is either out of self-respect or to avoid rebuke." Saying- 53 from “Nahjul Balagah” by Imam Ali (a.s.)
An Investment of $80 for the Kashmiri Shia Women in this difficult time when Kashmir is Burning!!!
Donate $80 each to give a Sewing Machine with accessories to the Poor in Kashmir. Your smallest contribution can be a capital for years the Poor family. Suffering Kashmiri Shia and Mo'meneens Conscience!!!
Allah Reminds us Again and Again in this Holy Month of Ramadan To Care for Humanity: The passed one; The Destitutes; The Hungary Ones; The Disables; Those who are in Debts; This who are in Problem; Those want to go back to their Home Country; The Situation of Muslims were ever they are and The Sick Ones.
Kashmiri Shia are Victims of the Victim. They are between the aggression of Indian Army, Freedom Dilemma and Wahhabi Terrorism
Shia-Mo'menins Conscience
Where is the Conscience of Shia - Mo'menin!!!. What will be your reply when Prophet Mohammad s.a.w. will ask you about your duty of the oppressed Shia of Jammu & Kashmir; How will you face Sayyedia Fatima when she will ask the Mourner of my Hussain were suffering and no Attention was given and How one can pray for the appearance of Imam Mahdi when Suffering Shia of Imam Ali a.s. were ignored!
Nobody Will be able to say that we did not know about Sufferings of Shia of Jammu and Kashmir. Nobody will be able to say that No Chance was given where to contact and where to send the help!!!
Immediate Relief Fund is required for Suffering Kashmiris
Donate on Humanitarian Basis no Ejaza of Marja'.
Empowering Women in Srinagar and Kargil Ladhak Projects of Kashmir
"The whole Shia community in Kashmir is backward in every sphere of life. The women are the worst hit in our society. They are being ignored altogether. The education was not imparted to the females till the recent past. The girls outside the Srinagar city are still deprived from education. In nut shell, the woman in our society is living a
miserable life". (Dr.Kawthar Aga)
An Investment of $80 for the Kashmiri Shia Women in this difficult time when Kashmir is Burning!!!
Donate $80 each to give a Sewing Machine with accessories to the Poor in Kashmir. Your smallest contribution can be a capital for years the Poor family. Suffering Kashmiri Shia and Mo'meneens Conscience!!!
Allah Reminds us Again and Again in this Holy Month of Ramadan To Care for Humanity: The passed one; The Destitutes; The Hungary Ones; The Disables; Those who are in Debts; This who are in Problem; Those want to go back to their Home Country; The Situation of Muslims were ever they are and The Sick Ones.
Kashmiri Shia are Victims of the Victim. They are between the aggression of Indian Army, Freedom Dilemma and Wahhabi Terrorism
Shia-Mo'menins Conscience
Where is the Conscience of Shia - Mo'menin!!!. What will be your reply when Prophet Mohammad s.a.w. will ask you about your duty of the oppressed Shia of Jammu & Kashmir; How will you face Sayyedia Fatima when she will ask the Mourner of my Hussain were suffering and no Attention was given and How one can pray for the appearance of Imam Mahdi when Suffering Shia of Imam Ali a.s. were ignored!
Nobody Will be able to say that we did not know about Sufferings of Shia of Jammu and Kashmir. Nobody will be able to say that No Chance was given where to contact and where to send the help!!!
Immediate Relief Fund is required for Suffering Kashmiris
Donate on Humanitarian Basis no Ejaza of Marja'.
Empowering Women in Srinagar and Kargil Ladhak Projects of Kashmir
"The whole Shia community in Kashmir is backward in every sphere of life. The women are the worst hit in our society. They are being ignored altogether. The education was not imparted to the females till the recent past. The girls outside the Srinagar city are still deprived from education. In nut shell, the woman in our society is living a
miserable life". (Dr.Kawthar Aga)
"Give a Net and Not a Fish to the Poor" Donate $80 to give a Sewing Machine with accessories to the Poor Family who are suffering lack of job. This smallest investment ever will be able to feed the whole family for months.
State Bank of India (CANADA) Scarborough Branch
Name: Hashim H. Ali
Transit # 07192 - Institution # 294
SWIFT: SBINCATX-A/c # 517 46110500

Mo'meneen living Abroad - Help Charity Organization that is helping to feed oppressed people of Kashmir!!!
Curfew, Band, Crackdown, Protest and without enough basic supply. Kashmiri Civilian are suffering. Mazdoor and Middle class people are mostly effected!
Hashim H.Ali
511-2727 Victoria Park Ave.E.
Toronto, ONTARIO M1T 1A6
+1 647 349 4673
"Our First Support is to strengthen Darul Quran Al Zahra - Women's projects in Lal Bazaar and To Establish at Mir Behri (Dal Lake) in Srinagar and Zainabia Women Welfare Center in Kargil, Ladhak."
The Above Women Projects are to empower Women in Islamic Studies, Learn recitation of Holy Quran, Tailoring, Computer skills and other Handcrafts for their earnings. In Future we will establish micro finance scheme to support poor Shia women.
If you have any question please contact me directly.
http://hashimokera.blogspot.comMuslims "must" unite all over the World
and pray for the appearance of al Mahdi (r.a.) the Savior of mankind
the descendant of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.
and pray for the appearance of al Mahdi (r.a.) the Savior of mankind
the descendant of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.