Need Assessment of Jammu and Kashmir Shia Communities
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Jammu Kashmir Shia Communities
Need Assessment
by Hashim Okera
Founder and Chairman: Al-Muntadhar International Relief and Development Foundation
Founder and Executive Director: My Canada! Integration Settlement Services
Toronto, CANADA
May 15th - May 28th 2010
Founder and Chairman: Al-Muntadhar International Relief and Development Foundation
Founder and Executive Director: My Canada! Integration Settlement Services
Toronto, CANADA
May 15th - May 28th 2010
for all inquiries about Jammu and Kashmir or if you want to contribute for good cause contact:
The Need Assessment of Jammu and Kashmir Shia Communities took place during 15th May - 28th May, 2010. This efforts his been made solely to please Imam Mahdi a.s. in his absence as it is our responsibility to take care of Muslims in all affairs. “Prophet Mohammad s.a.w. ‘if a Muslim wakes up and does not care for the affairs of Muslims is not from us”
The method of Need Assessment was done by meeting different managing committees, trustees and incharge of different organizations. Maulanas, Ulemas and devoted Social workers were also contacted, visited different organizations and communities from one place to other, from Srinagar to Kargil district.
Acknowledgement: My need assessment covered almost most the important area of Jammu & Kashmir within very short period. It was impossible for me as an individual and foreigner to cover all this important visits and meetings with different Shia Communities organizations and high level of people within very short period of 2 weeks. Behind this there were personalities whom I cannot forget without them I could not move. May Almighty Allah s.w.t. reward them here and hereafter for their sincere advises, arrangements, facilitating my trip and visits with their own expenses. Besides their tight work schedule they were always available for me to fulfill my work.
They are - Brother Mirza Rafiq (Bank Administrator Manager),
All three are social workers and have contributed to the Shia community. Brother Mirza Rafiq is also Secretary General of Idara Falah Aam (Waqaf) Srinagar, Kashmir. Without selfish interest, Brother Mirza Rafiq introduced to me all active organization. He says “we should appreciate all active organizations in the Shi’a community without any personnel grudges.”
Another particular personality who faciliated my all journey and work at Kargil Region. Brother Asgar Ali Karbalaie is the hope of thousands of Shia Youths in Jammu & Kashmir. Brother Asgar Ali Karbalaie former Chairman/Chief Excutive Coucillor Ladhakh Autonomus Hill Dev. Council of Kargil.
He is the personality in Jammu & Kashmir who devoted his whole life to Unite Shia Communities and work for the development of areas where Shia Community live. Brother Ali Asgar Karbalaie is facing lots of challenges from different Shia groups who think by awakening the Shia communities can be dangerous. Brother Ali Asgar Karbalaie is Founder Member & Trustee of Imam Khomeyni Memorial Trust, Kargil. Founder member & patrol of Mutahhary EDucational Society, Kargil.
Azadari in second coldest place in the world
By: Sajjad Kargili
KARGIL: The procession of Ashura was held with full zeal and zest by all the people of Kargil. The participants recited Nohay and did chest beating. The 10th Muharram procession organized by Imam Khomayni Memorial Trust (IKMT) Kargil held at Public Park where IKMT had established procession terminus. From Islamia School the procession started walking towards Qatligah Hussaini. After reciting Ziyarat-e-Ashura, Haji Asgar Ali Karbalai addressed to all the participants and threw light on the philosophy of Ashura-e-Husaini (A.S) and also on the Mission of Imam Hussain (A.S.)
In his speech, he stressed the world community to follow the message of Imam Hussain (A.S.). Mr. Karbalaie while speaking on Kashmir issue said that we support the recommendation of Justice Sageer Committee report of non-dividing of the state and also rejection of U.T. Status to Ladakh. He stressed upon the Government, Ladakh though, the third region of the state, should be given third provincial status with all financial and administrative powers, beside this he said on quite diplomacy issue that the people of Kargil shall be taken into confidence, said Mr.Karbalaie.
“Ladies & Gents: Salam-alae-kum Below Press--releases from TERRORIST-BRAHMAN-HINDUS have PROVEN that they are Confirmed TERRORISTS... With their below Statements, ALL these Terrorist Brahman HINDUS are TERRORIZING American-MUSLIMS & in-General Terrorizing the TWO Billion Muslims, World-wide.... Same TERRORIST Brahman HINDUS, for DECADES are TORTURING & RAPING & KILLING MUSLIMS inside Occupied KASHMIR & INDIA..... HINDUS Occupied-KASHMIR is 95 % MUSLIM, & remaining Occupied-india is 40 % MUSLIM...... But, MUSLIMS inside Occupied KASHMIR & india are under HINDUS_GENOCIDE” by Arshad Ali Khan, UMMAA BroadcastingJammu and Kashmir
Kashmir Valley is one of the States of India (Jammu and Kashmir). It is Valley, famous all around The World. It is surrounded by lofty snow capped mountains, lush green meadows, enchanting with falls. The Dal Lake is the Specticular Jewels is the heart of Kashmir.
"The situation of people of Kashmir is so desperate. People lost confidence, Kashmiris are mentally occupied. They can not think for any development or progress. Militants calling for freedom of Kashmir majority Sunni Muslims in one side and Indian army who kills people merciless."
"Kashmir is passing through the worst patch of history. There is nobody in Kashmir who is not effected by this turmoil. Among all sections, youth is worst affected.
Thousands became orphan, rendered homeless.
Mother's, daughters, sisters lost their modesty and numberless houses burnt.
Thus turmoil has brought hunger, disease, poverty and people faced innumerable difficulties. Brutal and uncontrolled forces, do whatever they like, under the cover of combating militancy". by Tanzeem ul Hifazat, Magam, Kashmir (Tulip Annual College Magazine)
Some limited activities like Muharam processions are being organized by these group leaders and construction of some Imam bargas took place in their commandment which they are using as stages to safeguard their personnel interests .The condition of the community has gone from bad to worst .Neither Shias were inspired to get modern education nor they were given any kind of religious education with the result in due course of time the Shias of Kashmir remained illiterate only some families gave modern education to their children especially in Srinagar city rest of Shias remained backward in all respects .The Shias of Kashmir living in remote areas forgot their actual believes and faith and became Sunnis spetially in border areas of Uri and Karnah and in other cut of areas besides this some families from Noor Bakhshi and Shia in Kargil and leh also convereted to Bhudism. .
In Uri and Karnah their reside a prominent number of Sadat they also became Sunnis because nobody from Kashmir valley was taking pains to teach them the Imamia ideology .
Kashmir is populated majority by the Muslims. Although there has been no official census on sectarian lines in Kashmir, according to Sajjad Haider, a conservative estimate puts the Shia population of the whole of erstwhile Kashmir state at around 1.5 million. A rough estimate puts the Shia population of Indian controlled Jammu and Kashmir State at around one million, 10 percent of the total population.
Shias are a majority in the northern areas of Gilgit-Baltistan currently under Pakistani federal control. Ninety- eight percent in Baltistan and 60 percent in Gilgit and adjoining areas are Shia even though successive governments in Islamabad have attempted to alter the demographic composition of the region to suit their long term political interests.
Shia Muslims are devoted to their belief and religion. Most of the people in rural areas are peasants. In urban areas Shia people are involved in handicrafts, short type of business and some are government services. And some also live in below poverty level.
Shia people in Kashmir are almost having low rate in education. This happened because Maulana’s who dominated the people had different opinions about the education. They are educationally backward. After the Islamic Revolution of Iran, the tendency towards education developed, but still it does not exceed the standard 8 level.
There are some organizations active throughout the Kashmir who are contributing towards the uppliftment and development of social, educational and other aspects of the society. Most of the organizations have initiated their work with the contribution of local people, but lot more is needed to support the organizations on International Level.
In Jammu and Kashmir, the community is chiefly concentrated in Srinagar, central district of Budgam, Baramulla, parts of Bandipur and Ladakh region.
Very few Shia Muslim habitations can be found in southern parts of Kashmir and they virtually do not exist in the Chinab valley where as in other frontier and mountainous belts situated on the approach roads to Kashmir, the community was virtually decimated by the marauding Moghal and Pathan invaders during 16th -18th century.
Kargil, Ladakh district of Jammu and Kashmir
Kargil, the remotest district of Ladakh region in Jammu and Kashmir State, comprises of approximately 125,000 people, 85% of which belong to the Shia Muslims. The position of Kargil can be well judged by the fact that it became known to many of the people after the Kargil-war. In such a state of backwardness, Kargil was groping. The Shia Muslims of this area through stricken with poverty and very weak economically, have been living a very simple but honest, loyal and God fearing life. Kargil is educationally a backward district but surprisingly enough as far the number of religious Maulanas is concerned in proportion to its population, it tops the list in the whole country. But Maulanas being not conversant with modern education remained confined to their own limited areas. It was a time when the religious Maulanas were against modern education, thinking it harmful to religion. But Maulana Iftikhar Ansari had different views. During my interview Maulana Iftikhar Ansari said that my father started to introduce modern education but other Maulvis were against. Thanks to the victory of Islamic Revolution in Iran which brought about tremendous changes in the thinking of the people throughout the world emancipating them from narrow mindedness, pessimism and superstition etc. enlightened and inspired by the glorious
By the Islamic Revolution a private school namely Shaheed Mutahhary Public School was established under the guidance of a religious Ulema who though belong to a poor family but being overwhelmed with a sense of responsibility, took bold step without caring the ridicules and criticism of the people. The step, taken with a sincere and selfless motive, took no time to become a focus of attention and attraction of all types of society. Islamic studies is taught right from primary to high classes.
Kargil District is cut of area from the world. The only road that connects with Kasmir District is open only for 4 to 5 months. The rest of the month is closed because of the danger sand and snow avalanche close the dangerous road Zoji la. This road is the only means to supply all basic needs of the people like vegetable, consumer items, medicine, etc.etc. Because it is mainly Shia Muslim dominated area, less attention is given to development of the country although Kargil is pro India Government, and they do not believe in Pakistani dominated Azadi of Kashmir. Kargili believe that that does not fulfill the interest of citizen of Jammu & Kashmir.
Influenced by the Islamic Revolution of Iran, IKMT embarked on an ambitious plan to intervene in the socio- economic life of the people by introducing variety of programmes ranging from water shed management to modern education and even an Islamic bank.
It also became active in the local politics. 2001 census threw up a new reality. Ladhak known as Buddhist land the world over suddenly was transformed into a Muslim majority area with 52 percent population subscribing to Islam. With eighty five percent of Muslims in Kargil adhering to the Shia faith, the community now had a decisive say in the political affairs of the whole of Ladakh region.
The rise of Buddhist movement in Leh and adjoining areas demanding separation from Muslim Kashmir kindled a political awakening in an otherwise docile population of Kargil further strengthening the support base for the IKMT. IKMT dominated the first Kargil Autonomous Hill Development Council created by the government for running the regions affairs.
The traditional clergy, increasingly marginalised by this new and seemingly revolutionary fervor gripping the local youth, saw it as a challenge to its established hegemony over the community and began opposing it. Their hold over the populace to steer it in a particular direction, for example at an election time, began to slip and the course of events began increasingly to be determined by the youth influenced by the revolution.
This signified a major divide in the Shia community in Kargil already deeply entrenched over doctrinal matters like on the issue of Taqleed (6). While Imam Khomeini Trust, comprising of Iranian educated young clerics, followed Ayatullah Ruhullah Khomeini on the issue of jurisprudence, 40 year old Islamia School Trust followed Iraq based Ayatollah Abol Kasim al Khoe and today Ayatullah Sistani; Khomeni’s contemporary who opposed the concept of Vilayat-e-Faqih, (Rule of Islamic Jurists) as propounded by the latter.
There have been consistent efforts from well meaning people to bring the warring factions together but only with limited success. The divisions on religio-political basis are exploited to the hilt by interested national and regional political parties, negating the benefits of new demographic realities. The district’s proximity to the Line of Control that divides Kargil from its parent region, Baltistan now in Pakistani control, is another major reason for the regions backwardness. The population is outnumbered by the military as the district lies on the strategic fault line between India and Pakistan thus mired in political uncertainty.
As it is, the Shia community in Kashmir had been suffering discrimination on innumerable counts including on account of its pro-Pakistan leanings in the post 1947 period. Any advances made by the community can be attributed to universalizing of state-sponsored education, a less discriminatory recruitment system to government services, and the individual efforts of artisans and craftsmen who have struggled hard for a semblance of economic well-being. The socio-economic condition of the community can best be gauged by the backwardness and misery in Bemina and around the Dal Lake, predominantly Shia areas in the middle of a bustling growing city. Though a gradual change is discernable now, the residue of the past, where the community, particularly in the rural areas, bore the brunt of government neglect, is still starkly visible.
In Kargil-war Indian and Pakistan war, Kargili defended their country supporting Indian Army, thus Indian could maintain victory against Pakistani. Today Kargil District of Jammu & Kashmir is peaceful place with security than Srinagar. music at night.” Sheikh Mohammed Hussein (Zakiri).
“But the point that tortures us mentally as well as spiritually is that after passing matriculation, these innocent and immature students are bound to seek admission in different schools mostly out of district, in cities like Jammu, away from their homes, without any guide. It has been experienced and observed that these youngsters fall prey to self-interested and wicked people who under proper planning, use every kind of devices to drag them into such gatherings and parties of boys and girls who are prepared for dance and music at night.” Sheikh Mohammed Hussein (Zakiri).Two main organizations are active in social and religious activities in Kargil, Ladhak.
Zakiri ads "Before I die I want to see two things in my life. 1. To build and establish Imambargah in Kargil, that can fulfill the needs of Shia Communities in the absence of Imam Mahdi a.s. 2. Boys and Girls Hostel in Jammu to protect our Shia outsprings from Hinduand Buddhist influence.
Shia Ithna Asheri School and Hawza e Ilmiyya and Imam Khomeyni Memorial Trust. Both are doing good work in Kargil district.
Mir Behri / Dal Lake Area
Mir Behri 99% Shia populated area of 20,000, although situated in the heart of city, still they lack even first hand amunities or basic needs.
The area is actually a water - body area. The area is lacking roads, transport, hospital, educational institutions, hygienic and other basic facilities. With the result the people in this area are illitrate, backward, superstitions, below poverty level, downtrodden and deprived. These people are prone to any political exploitation. The area needs special attention.
Surrounding Area. There are many Shia Muslims villages nearby Srinagar namely Baramula, Badgham and Magam. The situation is similar as we mentioned above, high rank of illiteracy, majority living in poverty, as the matter of fact below poverty level.
Need Assessments by Visits of Organizations, villages, communities and meeting with Trustees, Committees and Maulanas.
Women and Youth in Jammu & Kashmir
Youth - "Kashmir is passing through the worst patch of history. There is nobody in Kashmir who is not effected by this turmoil. Among all sections, youth is worst affected". By Tanzeem ul Hifazat. Kashmiri youth do not know whether they will return home alive, confused nobody is there to guide them in proper way. Indian Army, so called Freedom militants one side and Salafis and our Shia Maulvis who are dominating the society on the other side.
I met most of the youth personally, they even do not know what their needs are, and they lost the sense of concentration. This is all because of all different circumstances they are passing. Youths are really thirsty, thirst of moral support, thirst of support from the Shia communities abroad.
Need of Information Center
During my meeting with youths, I found youth are willing to bring lots of changes and would like to improve the condition of the poor, isolated shia society. Youths have no role at the Imam Bargahs or Masajids that are dominated by Maulivis or some people.
Brother Hakim Rashid Makbool a youth said that we need to start our own activities to encourage our youths without having any political or conflicts with those running the Imam Bargahs or Masajids.
Brother Hakim Rashid Makbool gives the reason of the need of such activity.
1. This is the age of information, and information and knowledge is the key to wisdom and empowerment.
2. Kashmir has many socio relious NGOs working in different sectors. But these is a dirth of full fledged information centere that would cater fully and effectively to informational needs of people.
3. If we can develop such a centre which would centrally located that would be a great help.
4. This would be an independent centre without any specific affiliation to any particular organization but would serve as a needed agency linking all the organization and working in information and cooperation with all these organizational and catering to their needs.
5. It will be an independent organization that will work through other organizations.
6. It will be helpful in developing a network of students from every corner of the region and thirdly will help in chanelising their potential forwards community building and development.
7. The proposed name of the center is Al Ibn e Sina Information Centre, this can be changed if more name suggestion is presented. This will be open for all religious section without any discrimination.
8. It will have a separate boys section and a separate girls section too. In addition it will include a library section with all kinds of reference books specially on Shia faith and Islam at large.
9. Library would be chief functional area of the centre. It will also house an audio visual lab and counseling cell for higher education and world wide scholarship.
10. It will have computer and Internet services open for all.
Note: Immediate need of fund to initiate this institution to empower the moral of youths. Youths are the backbone of the society. By helping them we will be able to help all the Shia Communities in Jammu and Kashmir struggling with Indian Army Occupation, Salafi movements and other conflicts within the community.
Women - To organize and establish Women Islamic Center combined with Vocational Training Unit and Information Center. Two such centre are needed one in Kargil and Srinagar. It is difficult to rent a premises solely for Women because still people do not believe that women should be active. That is why I recommend to construct permanent center in both areas with full support of International Body. I already initiated this project with some dedicated women who are ready to devout their time for the communities.
Darul -Quran Al – Zahra ( A.S), Srinagar, Kashmir
DARUL QURAN AL-ZEHRA HEAD OFFICE LAL BAZAR SRINAGARDarul Quran Al Zahra is a Muslim Organization to be run as per the teaching of Imam Jaffar Sadiq (A.S).
Darul Quran Al Zahra is an institution established in Jammu & Kashmir
Particularly in Srinagar District’s Lal Bazar area to impart Islamic Knowledge & Craft
Work to Muslim women. The main focus of institution is to impart (Islamic Knowledge)
I.e. Quranic teachings & Hadis etc to all Muslim women young or adult.

“Words of Founder Sister Samina wife of Syed Abdi Hussain Razivi”
By the grace of Allah Almighty ,I Samina Mrs. of hajat-ul- Islam Molvi Syed Abid hussain Razivi laid the foundation of an institution by the Name Darul -Quran Al – Zahra ( A.S) in September 2006 (Shaban-Ul –Muazum 1427 A.H ). The aim of the establishing the institution is to raise the intellectual standard and to enlighten the hearts & souls of our women folk with the teachings of Quran & Sunnah so that they remain updated and broad vision and can easily tackle the problems of cultural invasion that the western world have imposed on us ."
Beautiful quotes of Imam Khomeini regarding the status of women in society:
“A Nation whose women stand in the front ranks for the achieving of Islamic goals will never suffer harm”
“The women are the people who give their youth and then are honored ( by their martyrdom),a woman who endows her child and then says, I am honored that I was able to serve Islam this way"
"Keeping in view the beautiful sayings of Imam Khomeini, we made an initiative to work upon women folk as they are considered as building blocks of a society."
Our initial efforts were to organize different programmes in order to motivate and grasp the attention of youngsters as their hearts are most fertile one to accept the truth.
Ist phase----Initial frame – work of Programmes:-
i) Muharam- Ul –Haram:-
• Innovative Lectures during the month of Muharam –Ul-Haram.
• Celebration of Eid – E –Zahara (A.S).
ii) Mah-E- Ramadham:-
• Recitation of 30 chapters (each chapter a day) of Al-Quran in the Holy month Of Ramadham
• Teaching the tafseer of Dua-e-Abu Hamzah Thamalee..
• Teaching of Ahkamie Mah-e-Ramadham.
iii) Special Programmes includes:-
• Celebration of birth & death anniversaries of our great Islamic Leaders.
At the beginning, there was poor response, few women get motivated, but we did not lose our hope and continued our hard work with full enthusiasm, determination and it is the fruit of that firmness &hard work which results our thoughts /ideas to in the concrete form of small institution, Darul-e-Quran Al Zahara (A.S).
There is no financial support of general masses till now. We survive with small contributions from the participants. We propagate and continue our mission with our own efforts, but no doubt, the participation of women especially the young and energetic ones identified encouraged us.
Our Future Plan: In order to upgrade the standard of our curriculum and infra structure, we need the financial support so that we lead our mission a step forward and to in calculate the moral values and ethics in our women –folk in this challenging society.
Presently, the institution(maktab) remain open throughout the year and we are engaged in importing Islamic education and Awareness among the women & in future we are going to open vocational training programmes for Desired women along with Islamic education.
The present extended and diversified frame work of our programme includes :-
• Teaching of Islamic history. Ahadhees. Al- Quran its methods and rules Arabic grammar
In the interview with Sister Samina, "we are now running our activities in the muddy house on the second floor, many cannot participate because they are afraid that it can collapse. We are passing through lots of opposition because still the Shia society believe that women should be only kept in home. But Alhamdo Lillah with the support of few women from our neighborhood, I could maintain Holy Qu'an Class and Basic Islamic Class. Many women who could not read Holy Qur'an, today can at least read the Holy Qur'an."
Note: Immediate Need, New premises with different activities such as tailoring, computer class, internet etc, to attract more women to study basic Islamic Knowledge. Full support should be extended to this project to empower Shia women in Jammu & Kashmir who are oppressed and are victim of victims.
Idara Falah e Aam (Waqf), Srinagar,
Kashmir welfare organization helping needy in Srinagar, Kashmir monetarily. They have 35 families listed who get monetary help every month. The help consists from Rs.500 and onward according to the needs. (Since the organization do not have enough fund they want to reach as many needy as possible within their limitation) All the Trustees and Executive Committees are dedicated to the welfare of Shia society. And they are highly profiled people like Professors, Bankers, Managers, Businessman and Civil Servants.
Interview with Falah Aam President Mr.Mohamad Sadiq from
Interview with Chairman of Falah e Aam from Hashim Okera on Vimeo.
The Idara has funded so many students for the basic and higher education and continue to extend financial assistance besides providing guidance for widespread of the education in the community.
Further, Idara has been granted permission to collect and spend Khmus by the Grand Ayatulaah Uzma Syed Ali Sistani and Rehber Mouzum Syed Ali Khamanei. Permission granted by His Excellency, Grand Ayatullah Uzma Syed Ali Sistani Idara Falah Aam (Waqf) Srinagar is authorized to collect Sahim Mubarik Imam (a.s.) from the people in India and spend half of the amount of Sahim Mubarik Imam (a.s.) and remit fifty percent of it through Hujatul Islam Aga Syed Baqir Kashmiri. Office of the representative of Rehber Mousum Ayatullah Syed Ali Khamenei
Note: Need financial assistance to reach more poor and needy people. Need moral support to organize the structure so that the waqf can achieve their goal.
For more information visit:
Education Trust, Srinagar Kashmir Running 40 around Kashmir Valley. All the Trustees and Executive Committees are highly profiled people like Professors, Bankers, Managers and Civil Servants.
Note: Need Central office and coaching center.
Al Masumeen Yateem Trust, Srinagar, Kashmir
it is running Al Masumeen Boys Hostel that was 60% financed by foreign Shia communities. The structure is modern and so far about 30 boys are benefiting this services.
Note: The Trust need their own Transportation a Bus of 35 passengers and Immediate need to establish similar services for Girls as Girls Hostel.
For more information visit
Muawin Committee of Tanzeemul Maqaatib Kashmir
Moawin Committee Tanzeem-ul Makatib Kashmir is a non political regd. Religious organization registered by Government of Jammu and Kashmir vide order No:1096-S 0f 1985 is working under the patronage of Tanzeem-ul Makatib Lucknow(India).
In 1978 A.D Alama Syed Ghulam Askari(r.a)the founder of Tanzeem-ul Makatib visited Kashmir .His slogan was ‘qoom ki har fard ko deendar banado”to make every shia the follower of Islam .He started the work in Kashmir .So called Molvies and Agas propagated against the Tanzeem-ul Makatib and Moulana Syed Ghulam Askeri (r.a).But a group of religious loving people and some educated youths gave support to Allama Askeri (r.a).
Visiting MC Tanzeemul Makatib, Kashmir from Hashim Okera on Vimeo.
Keeping in view the history and geography of Kashmir Allama Askeri (r.a)constituted Moawin Committee Tanzeem-ul Makatib Kashmir in 1981 A.D to look after the Makatib .After a great struggle Makatib were opened to give basic religious education to the new generation . Conferences and seminars were organized for general public awareness.Group discussions were also organized for youths and training for teachers of Makatib .By these revolutionary stepts the people send their children in Makatib of Tanzeem-ul Makatib gradually the Makatib were opened almost in every nook and corner of the Kashmir valley .The work of opening of Makatib was also started in Uri .
Muawin Committee of Tanzeemul Maqaatib Kashmir is running 400 Islamic classes all over Jammu and Kashmir with 834 Teachers, who are getting minimum pay of Rs.500 to Rs 1,200.
Affiliated with Tanzeemul Makatib of Lukhnow that is paying 1/3 of the teachers pay the rest the Kashmiri collect locally. It is really shame to Shia Communities world wide who could not support these teachers.
Ahlul Bayt Foundation in Srinagar, Kashmir.
This foundation was established when some Ulemas who have no voice or no platform of such in the society, found that the real aim of Islam is not fulfilled. And to bring together Islamic scholars who come back from Hawza of Islamic Republic of Iran.
Many youths and highly profiled people joined Ahlul Bayt Foundation; who are against the domination of society by some Maulvis who create more conflict amongst the Shia community than uniting.
Ahlul Bayt Foundation in Srinagar aims to serve all kind of Shia communities from each corner in the name of uniting Shia Communities of Kashmir that are divided in pieces. Hatred amongst Shia communities is so high. This way Shia population are not making such progress in the society.
Note: Need their own center and monetary help. All Shia living abroad can send their Sadakas, Fitra, Zakat, Khums and Sehme Sadat funds to Ahlul Bayt Foundation who are working effectively in grassroots Level.
For more information visit:
Photo Gallery
Idara Abul Fazal Abbas (a.s.) Magam, Kashmir, India.
Idara is actively running the only Shia Library in Jammu & Kashmir. It has highly profiled Management committee who are dedicated to work promote the faith of Ahlul Bayt a.s. Since there is no welfare activities in the area of Magam, Idara is also active helping the needy including Sadats.
Idara is divided in 3 wings. 1.Library 2.Shoba Imdadul Mustahiqeen 3.Tableeghat and Tahqeeqat
For more information visit: Gallery
Imam Hussain a.s. Hospital and Para Medical Training College.
Interview with Maualan Iftikhar Ansari
Interview with Maulana Iftikhar Ansari from Hashim Okera on Vimeo.
I personally visited Maulvi Iftikhar Ansari in his resident and had healthy meeting regarding Imam Hussain a.s. hospital that has two section one medical and the para Medical Training Center. Maulvi Iftikhar is prepared to cooperate with any International Organization that wants to help this center for the benefit of people of Srinagar. Unfortunately, since there was continuous rain and flood of lake the Hospital was flooded by water from all corner making difficult to excess for the public. Thus the hospital was temporarily closed.
Note:Full help should be extended by the International Shia Organizations. Imam Hussain a.s. Hospital is the identity of Shia Community of Kashmir. We should not resist to close this Hoslpital.
For more information:
Photo Gallery
Maarefat e Ulume Islami, Kashmir.
This is institution is run by Maulana Iftikhar Ansari that has 78 Islamic Classes in different area of Kashmir about 2 hours of session in different Masaajids.
Note: Needs to re-organize and strengthen.
My Visit and Need Assessment at Kargil, Ladhak
KARGIL DISTRICT: (An introduction)
A scattered population is inhabited along the different mountain valleys cultivating small land holdings and rearing a few domestic animals. There is a dearth of resources for any industrial or other economic activity.
Historically the area most of the time remained under local rulers with some interlude of sway under major rulers of neighborhood till it was conquered by the Dogra Rulars of Jammu in 1834 AD. In the present dispensation after the partition, it is part of the Indian Administration of J&K State.
Presently the only motorable approach road to district Kargil is over the 11500 feet high Zojila pass from Kashmir valley which remains snow bound for 7 months (November to June) life becomes stand still in the entire district during these winter months. The only approach by air being
from Leh (230KM) from district head quarter Kargil. The working season in the district is thus limited to 5 months of summer. All sort of stocks for the long winter need to be dumped during the summer.
Shia Ithna Asheri School and Hawza e Ilmiyya, Kargil,
Shia School runs Hawza e Ilmiyya the beautiful structure that can accommodate one thousand students, has unfortunately only 24 students when we visited the site.
Jafariya Academic Public School, Kargil that has one thousand students and it is self funded. Aga Mohammadi said that Jaafiya Academic Public School is considered one of the good schools in Kargil.
Al Zahra Girls Home (Orphanage) that has about 30 students That is fully financed by Al Iman Trust of Mombay.
Jaafariya High School under construction.
Note: Reference books for their Jaafary Academical School.
Photo Gallery
Imam Khomeyni Memorial Trust Imam Khomeyni Memorial Trust is working in different field of Kargil District. IKMT is run by Intellectuals, Civil Servents, Doctors, Politicians and Accountants. Majority of intellectuals and youths support the organization morally. They see the organization the hope and future of Shia Community of Kargil that is isolated from the world. It has different wings namely;
1. Mottahari Public School and Muttahari Hight School, Kargil.
Schools were opened by the state Govt. after independence to impart education to the children of this frontier district but the logistical constraints and inability to get qualified teaching staff were the major road blocks for achieving the goals. The age old tribal mindset was also a factor for classical approach of the society towards education. This along with misconceived propagation of a section of half learned clergy that modern education contradicts the Islamic way was factor depriving the masses of education particularly the female child. The status of education upto 1980s remained very grim.
Cautioned by this alarming situation a batch of youth, imaginative and dedicated people headed by spiritual leader rose to the occasion to take the challenge head on. They founded an educational institution with the name and inspiration from great Islamic scholar Murtaza Mutahhary. They formed a core group and assigned themselves the following task:-
1. To raise the standard of education by imparting quality education and for this purpose to set up a network of standard schools in the district for modern education alongside Islamic teachings.
2. To promote awareness among local population as well as the clergy community about the need of Modern Education along with religious knowledge.
The Ist project was a humble beginning in this direction starting a junior school with the name & style “Mutahhary Public School Kargil” in the heart of Kargil town in 1984.
The initial response was very encouraging. But the resource were very meager at this stage. Some educationist and teachers came forward with their selfless and voluntary services. With their co-operation the institution grew on expected lines and the school was recognized by the state Govt. upto primary level.
The students of first batch has now attained administrative and professional positions after excellence in their academic carrier. The school which is situated in heart of the town of Kargil has presently having roll of more then 300 students both boys and girls covering from LKG to 7th standard. There are 15 teaching staff including the principal besides non teaching staff. Today apart from the school it runs a full fledged High School in the District Head quarter.
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MUTAHHARY SCHOOL and Branches in different Areas:
By the year 2009, the MES Kargil manages Mutahhary School branches and affiliated schools at the following locations/villages of the district.
1. Mutahhary Public High School Kargil.
2. Mutahhary Public Primary School Kargil.
3. Mutahhary Public High School Baroo.
4. Mutahhary Public High School Baroo Colony.
5. Mutahhary Public School Goma Kargil.
6. Mutahhary Public School Pashkum.
7. Mutahhary Public School Saliskote.
8. Mutahhary Public School Kanoor.
9. Mutahhary Public School Drass.
10. Mutahhary Public School Akchamal.
11. Mutahhary Public School Fokar.
12. Mutahhary Public School Sanjak.
13. Mutahhary Public School Stikchay
14. Mutahhary Public School Choskore.
In order to coop up with the growing demands of quality higher Education in the District the organization decided in early nineties to establish a High School work on procurement of land and infrastructure were started immediately and the High School stared in 1974. Today it has about 120 students studying in classes from 8th to 10th standard. It is situated in the vicinity of the town at an open plateau of Khurbathang presently there are 7 teaching and 2 non teaching staff. The school is having its own premises and school building.
For more information photo Gallery:
2. Baqeriya Clinical and Laboratory, Kargil, Ladhak, Kashmir
Interview with Volunteer Doctors at Baqeriya Clinical & Laboratory, Kargil from Hashim Okera on Vimeo.
In order to channalise the services of devoted and dedicated younger generation in the field of social service so as to extend a helping hand towards the needy people, the educated youth of Kargil (doctors, engineers and teachers) formed an organization called Baqirya Health Care and Research Centre Kargil in December 2007 to provide free medical consultancy, conducting free medical camps, medical awareness programs and to help Govt. organizations in implementing various National health programs. The organization will also conduct seminars, workshops and conferences on various health issues in collaboration with national and international health centre, institutions and organizations.
The centre will extend health services to all needy people without any discrimination of cast, creed or faith as per its organizational aims and objectives for the last more than two years.
Free Medical Consultancy:-
Specialized free medical consultancy is provided to the needy and poor rural as well as urban population on every Sunday at Baqirya Health Care & Research Centre at Bemathang Kargil located about 1.5 km from the main city. The health centre remains open between 100:00 am to 2:00 pm on every Sunday. So for 2243 out door patients have been treated and given free medical consultancy by the doctors at this centre. The patients also include seasonal labourers from Bihar, Nepal and other states besides locals.
The centre has established a diagnostic and multi auto analyzer lab facility in the heart of Kargil town in which nominal fee charges from the patients and free service provides to the poor and deserving patients.
3. IMKMT Medical Camp -
Regular Medical camps are carried every month.
It carries regular Medical camps to different remote areas. It is run by dedicated volunteer doctors and they give free medicine.
The volunteers & the team of doctors also visited in remote villages of district Kargil once in a month or once in two months interval during the summer months. Till date this forum has conducted eight free medical camps in the remote and farflung areas of Kargil viz Batalik, Drass, Shakar, Lotsum, Parkachik, Taikat, Namsuru and Chiktan located about 70 to 80 Kms from district headquarter where more than 3500 patients have been treated/consulted. More over free medicines were also distributed among the patients besides free on spot laboratory tests also provided in these medical camps.
The organization conducted seminar on the subject (Hepatitis B and its remedial measures) at Syed Mehdi Auditorium Hall located in the heart of Kargil town. All the leading Govt/Private Public School has been invited to participate in the seminar. Many doctors spoke on the topic and aware the students about its symptoms and its remedial measures. The students were also given chance to enquire about the dreaded disease from doctors by putting questions before the panel of experts.
Dedicated Volunteer Doctors who serve the Kargili people every Sunday and always ready for Medical Camps to go out at remote areas to provide their free services. All high level of Doctors provide voluntary services.
1. Dr. Munwar Hussain Wazir (MBBS, D.O) Eye sepcialist District Hospital Kargil.
2.Dr. Ahmad Ali (MBBS, MD) Dsitrict Hospital Kargil
3.Dr. Moh'd Mussa (MBBS, MS Orthio) District Hospital Kargil
4. Dr. Ibrahim Khan (MBBS). District T.B.Officer, Kargil.
5. Dr. Asif - Hussain (MBBS) Block Medical Officer, Shargola, Kargil.
6. Dr. Sajjad Hussain (MBBS) Medical Officer, Dist.Hospital Kargil.
7. Dr. Moh'd Abas Block Medical officer, Kargil
8. Dr. Ghulam Moh'd (MBBS, MD) Child Sperialist, District - Hospital, Kargil.
9. Dr. Zahra Baoo (MBBS.DGO) Gynaeocolgist, District Hospital, Kargil
10. Dr. Fatima Banoo (MBBS) Lady Assitant Surgeon Dist Hospital Kargil.
11. Dr. Villayat Ali (MBBS, MD) Physician Speicalist, Dist Hospital Kargil.
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4. Women's Wing.
5. Hawza e Sayyida Fatima al Zahra a.s.
6. Welfare for the destitute families IMKMT supports destitute families in Kargil District. They support both Sadats and non Sadats. But unfortunately they do not have enough resource to filfill the needs of Shia Communities.
7. Incomplete Girls Hostel
Note: Imam Khomeyni Memorial Trust is doing very good job within very limited resources. They are really lacking financial support. Baqeriya Medical Center Muttahari Public School . My recommendation, since Kargis District is cut of area, we should extend all kinds of International support to this Organization to carry on their work smoothly.
Immediate requirements: 1. A bus that can help transport the high school students from different areas to the school. 2. To help complete construction of Girls Hostel. 3. To help build a hostel for Hawza Fatima al Zahra a.s..
"Imamiya Mission" (Educational & Social Welfare society)
Leh, Ladhak, Kashmir."
Imamiya Mission was organised in 1982 and registered in september 2000 vide no:3744-S under J&K state societes Registration Act VI of 1998 (1941 A.D) " Imamiya Mission School, Chuchot" is running under this society since the year 1982 with the sole aim impart education to the down trodden children of the society urresoecative of caste, creed or colour. Intially the school was started with 20 students with hte service of two teaching staff on community donations. with the sincere seperation of the villagers it was upgraded to high school int he year 1994 dully recognised by the Jammu and Kashmir government and is presently affiliated with j &k board of school education jammu. The institution despite having many oddss like lack of infrastructure,inadequate manpower and transport facilities etc. its first batch student having bagged 80% results in secondary school examination and repeating the same percentage in the later academic years also.
Need of Girls Hostel, Leh, Ladakh.
The area especially Chochut Leh Ladakh has a very low literacy rate in female section.However with the established of this institution, girls education received a boost. many girls students of this village have acquired degree in science commerce and arts. the institution is trying its best to give quality education sp. in female section but lack of facilities it can not perform properly however some steps have been taken this time and nearly 246 girls students are reading in this school, the number of enrolment will be increased if the girls are provided with hostel facilities and many other students of far-flung area of Ladakh can seek admission. keeping the problems in view the management has decided to construct a girls hostel on the pattern of boys hostel which is working very smoothly in this backward area sp. During the cold winter when the temperature is-30C; most of the student belongs to poor and illiterate families who can not provide better educational environment and guidance due to which they suffer much as the parents are giving little attention towards the girl education.
As the need of time is to give better chance to the girls’ student of the far flung area with good educational environment; with this motives the project has been taken in hand.
We have observed that girls students are doing very good in their studies at the initial stage as probably due to lack of attention and care by their parents. This problem will be solved by the provision of hostel facilities.
For More Information:
Other High personalities who are not know to the world.
Gulam Ali Gulzar is thinker, social activist and writer. Since his youth time he contributed his Islamic knowledge to the society. Gulam Ali Gulzar contributed his good time to organize Muawin Committee of Tanzeemul Makatib, Jammu & Kashmir as Secretary General.
Gulam Ali Gulzar is author of dozens of booklets that is easy to read and digest, both in English and Urdu. His booklet has given very good response in the society that has full of awakening Shia Society in particular as well as Muslim Ummah at large.
His one of the booklet “Dimensional Analysis of Factors for Integration of Ummah” pubolished in 2009 is eye opening for the whole Ummah who is still blindly following so called Muslim leaders without even studying the Islamic History. This booklet gave positive response from both Shia and Sunni Muslims readers.
I was so pleased to meet such personality in Srinagar. Brother Gulam Ali Gulzar was so friendly and was willing to contribute his experience to me. He says, “when I am invited to recite Majalis or give lecture on Ahlul Bayt a.s. and Masaaib of Imam Hussain a.s., I never ask for any fee or I do not charge for such good opportunity that is given to me”.
Kalbi Hussain Rizvi the revolutionary thinker who supported the revolution of Imam Khomeini. He was the key person who awakened the people of Kargil who were close minded. Did not want to do any progress and develop the society. Thanks to the effort Kalbi Hussain Rizvi who passed accurate information to the Kargili people who dramatically changed the way of thinking of Kargili Shia Communtieis. Kargili people started to think to develop and go for secular education for both boys and girls together with Imam Khomeini Memorial Trust with the idea of Muttahari Education Trust. After that as many as 60 public school with secular education was establish.
Kalbi Hussain Rizvi contributed his good time in Education Trust, he now thinks that Islamic knowledge should be introduced in every secular schools. He suggested that we need Coaching Center were all metric pass student can go to study Islamic knowledge.
Mohammed Saleem is very interesting person Civil Servent Jammu & Kashmir Government, Additional Secretary at Ministry of Tourism. Mohammed Saleem who is middle aged person has another way thinking. He says all Shia organizations should come under one umbrella organization. Once a year we must organize a conference to bring all together.
Regarding assisting Shia Communities in Jammu & Kashmir his view is always at remote villages were still no services is provided. Mohammed Saleem says there are Shia communities who do not have basic needs. They do not have any religious knowledge. He says we should not only contribute to the big towns but we should also go to those area were people are suffering like Sod, Chhichot, Choglamsar and Udi .
Mohammed Saleem wrote a book that is very popular “Transitional of Faith, Islam the Ultimate Faith”. (Islam The Ultimate Faith – Mohammad Salim ISBN-8186260005). He says by the time we Shia are thinking Hindu or Christian, Muslim & Sunnis, the wahhabi has taken over the Jammu & Kashmir while the Shia are divided. He says Shia communities are segregated systematically in the society, but still we are fighting amongst ourselves.
Mohammed Saleem said “we have to unite all Shia organizations and centers, we are working on National, we are having bilateral meeting with activist in Bangalore, Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad, and so on. We are gathering 10 such activist in different countries to bring together ideas on how to establish such all Shia network.”
On knowing my involvement in the youth activities, Mohammed Saleem suggested I am prepared to organize Youth adventure program as mountaining or skiing, for Shia youth abroad.
In my conclusion, I find that we have to start from mobilizing Shia Kashmiri Youth. Immediately, to organize and establish Youths Islamic Information Center that can gather all information such as where to obtain scholarship, youths needs and networking with international youth bodies. Two such center are needed Kargil and Srinagar. For youth rental of premises is possible, until we see the outcome and the work of the expenses of International youths, I would recommend to ask youth to get two centers rented with communities. I already discussed this matter with youths, they are ready to organize youth bodies that will work neutrally without any conflicts with Maulanas
Amongst all women are the victims of victims. There is no organized program for girls or women. Neither Islamic studies or academicals program. Youths are kept silent, they do not have any say in the communities. Imam Bargahs or Masajid are run by Maulvis who will not like any activities.
International Bodies of Shia Ithna Asheri Jamaat should consider Jammu and Recommendation:
Please Donate Today for Good Cause
Since the Need of Shia Communities in Jammu and Kashmir varies from project to project, all international bodies should take effectively part under the one coordination. If the J&K projects is been carried out under one coordinator the effect of the work will be positive and there will be no chance of repetition or mistreatment of fund.
Many Organizations already established are been run by professionals, educated people and sincere philanthropists. The International Bodies will need to maintain contact with them and visit them time to time to re-organize their structure of serving their communities.
After I have gone through listened to different committees and visited different organizations, I would like to suggest that Jammu & Kashmiri Shia communities need help from International Bodies and Individuals. Kashmiri Shias are victims of different, Indian policy, Pakistani Policy, Salafi movements pressure on Shia individuals, and domination of Maulvis. Salafis are well organized have different successful centers through out Jammu and Kashmir. Today Shia communities are amongst the poorest community and illiterate. In rural area where there are Buddist majority Shia minority are having very difficult time and according to the right resource the Shia communities in two regions are influenced by Buddist missionaries and are converting into Buddism because of need of basic needs.
There are also some village with Sadat families who lack all kind of basic needs, very little attention is given to them in regards of Organization."Thousands became orphan, rendered homeless. Mother's, daughters, sisters lost their modesty and numberless houses burnt.
Thus turmoil has brought hunger, disease, poverty and people faced innumerable difficulties. Brutal and uncontrolled forces, do whatever they like, under the cover of combating militancy". by Tanzeem ul Hifazat, Magam, Kashmir (Tulip Annual College Magazine)
The only problem I see here, that by seeing shortfalls in the community Shia are establishing new organizations. Now organization and organization is been established, this is only happening without proper coordination and cooperation with each other.
Short Term - Immediate Action.
One coordinator or field director should be appointed by the WF to carry out all projects in Jammu and Kashmir together with different bodies etc.etc.
1. To arrange Travel Expenses for 30 youths to take Short course for about 3 months at Al Mustafa International Universities in Qom. The cost of each youths is calculated approximately $800 total $24,000. This will be first ever project Jammu and Kashmir to encourage Youths who are active in the community, but lack Islamic knowledge, management, administration and network with other international youths.
2. To organize and establish Women Islamic Center combined with Vocational Training Unit and Information Center. Two such center are needed one in Kargil and Srinagar. It is difficult to rent a premises solely for Women because still people do not believe that women should be active. That is why I recommend to construct permanent center in both areas with full support of International Body. I already initiated this project with some dedicated women who are ready to devout their time for the communities. This will be first ever project of such to Empower Kashmiri Shia Women in Jammu & Kashmir area. Each center with one year expenses will cost about for the first year $ 95,000 and $15,000 every year. I would strongly ask Ladies Jamat executives of International Jamats to visit Jammu and Kashmir to boost those innocent women.
I also suggested to the Women that once the project will be started we will need community participation. This was agreed to collect local contribution to run the center.
3. To organize and establish Youths Islamic Information Center that can gather all information such as where to obtain scholarship, youths needs and networking with international youth bodies. Two such center is needed Karil and Srinagar. For youth rental is possible, until we see the outcome and the work of youths, I would recommend to ask youth to get two centers rented with the expenses of International communities. I already discussed this matter with youths, they are ready to organize youth bodies that will work neutrally without any conflicts with Maulanas. This will be first ever project in Jammu and Kashmir to bring out youths to be active in their own communities. Each center with one year expenses will cost about First year $ 30,000 and about $12,000 every year. Once we start they youth will be able to collect donation locally to run the center.
4. To complete Girls Hostel at Mottahary High School in Kargil.
5. To construct Girls Hostel at Hawza Al Fatema Zehra a.s. in Kargil. Girls who have to travel very far from the remote areas and wish to study Islamic studies are really facing big problem. They have to travel every day from Hawza to their resident. Shahriya paid is Rs 200 that is nothing according to what they spend.
6. Immediate attention to Imam Hussain a.s. Hospital and Paramedical Training Unit, by sending experts of Doctors from International body to help them run this huge Hospital effectively.
7. Immediate Scholarship for Mir Behri area and other remote areas of Shia Kashmir people who are living life below poverty level.
8. To place 5 to 10 Jammu and Kashmir Students at Muballigheen Training Program at Damascus, Syria under Dar ul Tableegh - I E B of WF, UK
9. Immediate Delegation from different bodies and different delagates from Shia Centers at large to Visit Jammu and Kashmir to start entering in agreement to support Kashmir Shia.
In Future:
Adventure trip cum Shia Youth Islamic crush course could be organized for different ages for Kashmir. Kashmir is really a place where people from all over the world take advantage of adventure and site seeing of the nature of Allah s.w.t. This type of can be arranged in both summer and winter.
In winter it has opportunity of skiing and enjoying in snow from the Himalayan Mountains in Srinagra, Kargil, Leh and other areas. Shia Community specially youths and women will be encouraged by visits of International Shia Communities from Africa to Europe and North America.
Kashmir project as priority. Immediate action should be taken. I would strongly suggest International Bodies of different departments such as Tableegh, Health, Scholarship, Welfare, Sadaat, Muballigheen,
My Visits and Meetings Jammu & Kashmir.
1. Mir Behri / Dal Lake Area, Srinagar Mir Behri 99% Shia populated area of 20,000, although situated in the heart of city, still they lack even first hand amunities or basic needs.
2. Shia Muslims villages nearby Srinagar namely Baramula, Bargham and Magam.
3. Education Trust, Srinagar Kashmir
4. Idara Falah e Aam (Waqf), Srinagar, Kashmir
5. Al Masumeen Yateem Trust, Srinagar, Kashmir
6. Muawin Committee of Tanzeemul Maqaatib Kashmir
7. Imam Hussain a.s. Hospital & Paramedical Training College.
8. Idara Abul Fazal Abbas (a.s.) Magam, Kashmir, India.
9. Ahlul Bayt Foundation in Srinagar, Kashmir.
10. Sister Samina and her Women Group in Srinagar, Kashmir
11. Youths in Srinagar, who need guidance and moral support.
Kargil, Ladhak district of Kashmir.
12. Hawza e Ilmiyya - Shia Ithna Asheri School, Kargil, Ladhak.
13. Jaafariya Academic School, Kargil, Ladhak,
14. Al Zahra Girls Home, Kargil, Ladhak,
15. Jaafariya High School plot to be constructed. Kargil.
16. Imam Khomeyni Memorial Trust, Kargil, Ladhak.
17. Baqeriya Medical Center with laboratory, Kargil, Ladhak.
18. Muttaheri Public School in Kargil, Ladhak
19. Muttahari Public School in Dras, Ladhak
20. Muttaheri High School, Kargil
21. Muttaheri Girls Hostel (Incomplete), Kargil
22. Women’s wing of Imam Khomeyni Trust
23. Welfare wing of Imam Khomeyni Trust
24. Hawza e Sayyida Fatima al Zahra a.s.
25. Imamia Mission. Leh, (Educational and Welfare Society)
Sayings of Prophet Mohammad s.a.w. “Any Muslim who wakes ups and does not care about for the situation of Muslims is not from us”.
“But the point that tortures us mentally as well as spiritually is that after passing matriculation, these innocent and immature students are bound to seek admission in different schools mostly out of district, in cities like Jammu, away from their homes, without any guide. It has been experienced and observed that these youngsters fall prey to self-interested and wicked people who under proper planning, use every kind of devices to drag them into such gatherings and parties of boys and girls who are prepared for dance and music at night.‘Sheikh Mohammed Hussein (Zakiri).
Brother Mirza Rafiq the Secretary General of Idar e Falah Aam (Waqf)The Author:
“we must appreciate any organization or a person who is actively involved in the religious and in social works of Shia Communities without any personnel grudges”.
The work was personally done by Hashim Okera on freelance basis. Hashim Okera has more than 30 years of experience in Community Works, NGOs, Religious Activities, Human Rights and Democracy. Served as the teacher of Diniyat Madressah in Mogadishu, as Volunteer in Jamat and finally as a Chairman of Education Board of KSI School and Madressah in Mogadishu Somalia from 1972 to 1989. In 1980s managed to send as many as 20 youths from Mogadishu Jamat to Iran, Nairobi and Arusha for Islamic Studies. Founder Al Muntadhar Social Services and Children’s Care Program in Mogadishu Somalia 1986. That succeeded to build Medical Health Center, Primary School and Vocational Training Center with the 90% help of NASIMCO. Founder of Al Muntadhar International Relief and Development Foundation 1989 registered the first Shia Ithna Asheri NGO in Canada. Founder of My Canada! Integration Settlement Services, Toronto in 2004 under the principle organization Al Muntadhar International Relief and Development Foundation. Hashim Okera is currently Somalia representative of World Ahlul Bayt a.s. Assembly - Majma al Jehani Ahlul Bayt.