In the Name of Allah The Most Benficiant and The Most Merciful

In the Name of Allah The Most Benficiant and The Most MercifulFree Hit Counters

Monday, 21 July 2014

IHS.Hornofafrica - Iqra Project - Donate Generously

Iqra Project

IHS.Horn of Africa has launched “Iqra” Project.

Mission: All native civilians living in the Horn of Africa should get the Islamic knowledge of Ahlul Bayt a.s. in their own language. To better understand Islam and Islamic knowledge.

Goal: To translate as many books as possible in different native languages of Horn of Africa; so that the civilians learn Islam within their own language. We start the Iqra Project with the major languages such as Amharic, Somali and Oromo. 

Objectives: to translate as many Islamic books according to the Ahlul Bayt a.s. as possible, to publish, to print locally and to distribute throughout Horn of Africa.

Iqra Project will have 4 phase

1.      To translate Books according to the priority.

2.      To publish

3.      To print

4.      To distribute

Cost of the Project

The cost of each book varies according to the valium of the book.

But approximately One book of 220 pages each costs about $1.75 to $2.25 each that includes: translating, publishing and printing. Minimum one can go to start with 1000 copies each approximately $2250 per book.

Distribution and mailing.

Additional cost needed is for distributing shipment or postage charges also this varies according to the need and cities of interest. Donation and monetary support will be needed in any time.

Target per Year

Our target is to work on 12 books per year and distribute in the communities about 1000 copies each. The approximate cost per year is $30,000. 

How can you participate in Thawabe Jaariya – Continous Allah’s Reward.

One can donate directly through

Our Head office at Kitchener,

IHS Kitchener, Ontario

(Donation for IHS-Horn of Africa Iqra Project)

81 Horllinger Crescent, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada N2K 2Y8

Tel: +1 519 376 7111 Fax: +1 519 576 8378

Or directly through Dahabshil, Western Union or other major Finance Company.

Hashim Hassan Ali

+251 927 168602

Addis Ababa, ETHIOPIA

Or direct to Bank account

Hashim Hassan Ali

Our First Successful work.

The Head Office IHS Kitchener managed to finance 2 publications

Then I was Guided “Kaddib waan Hanuunay” translated in Somali Language print 2000 copies

Ashoora Uprising “Kacdoonka Cashuura”  translated in Somali language print 2000 copies

Since these are the first ever Shia books published in Somali language, the demand is too high from all over Somalia, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Europe and America. Somali speaking people are taking very high interest in the knowledge of Ahlul Bayt a.s. and would like to study Islam through the teachings of Ahlul Bayt a.s. as the Prophet Muhamad s.a.w. advised to study, look and follow Islam according to the Holy Quran and Ahlul Bayt a.s.


One can order books from books are free of charge but if you can pay the shipment or mailing cost at least $3 each we will send you as many copies as one needs. Also you can help spread the Islamic Teachings within Somali Speaking Communities world wide.

Shipment cost is urgently needed so that we can distribute to as many people as possible.

One has option to donate whatever one can


Sponsor the whole cost of publishing one book 1000 copies for thawab of their beloved family members


Pay Monthly contribution

The choice is yours to take full advantage of Thawabe Jariyya.

Fi Amaanillah

Hashim Okera

IHS.Horn of Africa