Islamic Humanitarian Services of Horn of Africa
Muslims "must" unite all over the World
and pray for the appearance of al Mahdi (r.a.) the Savior of mankind
the descendant of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.
Muslims "must" unite all over the World
and pray for the appearance of al Mahdi (r.a.) the Savior of mankind
the descendant of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.
On Sunday, October 9, 2016 12:04 PM, Labbayk YaMahdi <> wrote:
take part in Sawaabe Jariya - Non Ending
Reward of Almighty Allah s.w.t.
Goal: To enhance Shia self converted indigenous
people of Horn of Africa
P.O.Box 2839/1000 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Islamic Humanitarion Services - Hojjatul Islam wal Muslimeen Sheikh Shafiq Hudda
81 Hollinger Crescent, Kitchener,
Ontario N2K 2Y8, CANADA -
Ijaza of Ayatullah Shistani office in Qom by H. I.
Sayyed Shehrestani
to collect Sehme Imam for our Tabligh works in
Ethiopia and Somalia.
Visit our blog for more information
Pay your Khums money Sehme Imam and General Donation for
the Noble cause.
Bank: CIBC Name: Hashim Ali - Transit: 02632 64-16934 Toronto