Visit and Need Assessment of
Idara Abul Fazal Abbas (a.s.)
Managing Committe:
1.President: Er.Gh.Ahmed
2.V President: Mr. Bashir Ahmed
3 Gen Sec. Nisar Gulzar - Phone: 9906661397
4.Sec Acctts: Syed Muzaffer Rizvi sb.
5. Sec Finance: Mohd Maqbool Mir
6. Conv. Library - Ali Mohd Hurra
7. Conv. Tableeghat - Gh.Hussain Baba
8. Conv. Imdadul Mustahiqeen - Akhtar Hussain Baba
9. Sec Estates - Safad Hussain
Idara is actively running the only Shia Library in Jammu & Kashmir. It has highly profiled Management committee who are dedicated to work promote the faith of Ahlul Bayt a.s. Since there is no welfare activities in the area of Magam, Idara is also active helping the needy including Sadats. Idara is divided in 3 wings.
2.Shoba Imdadul Mustahiqeen
3.Tableeghat and Tahqeeqat
Future plan of Idara and Requirements
1. Idara is willing to expand the Liberary.
2. Setting of Information Center.
3. Launching of Website.
4. Need Books in English, Urdu and few in Arabic.
5.Establishing of Units Liberary in district levels.
6. Regular publication - free distribution
7. Equipments - Computer, TV, Projector etc.
8. Financial help to reach more needy people in Magam area.
Recommendation to the Dar ul Tableegh, please send them as many books as possible via air cargo and extend direct help. Most in Urdu and English very few (5%) in Arabic and Farsi. This is genuine organization with sincere team willing to work for the good cause. I would strongly suggest that to please be in touch and try to support the organization as much as one can contribute.
Address of Idara e Abol
Idara Abul Fazal Abbas (a.s.) Magam, Kashmir 193401, India.
Phone: +91 1951272408
I will be thankful if you send me all copies of your correspondence and any action you take regarding sending books.
Fi Amaanillah,
Hashim Okera
+1 647 349 4673
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