Alhamdo Lillah,
Mo'mineen from North America and Europe could sponsor 65 Sewing Machines to be given on long term loan to the Needy Kashmiri Women.
Our Representative Br.Sarwar Hussain and Br.Imtiyaz Zahedani delivered the 65 Sewing Machines to the Darul Quran al Zahra, Srinagar, Kashmir on behalf of coordinator Hashim Okera, Toronto.

Dear Sisters and Brothers,
Beautiful quotes of Imam Khomeini regarding the status of women in society:
“A Nation whose women stand in the front ranks for the achieving of Islamic goals will never suffer harm”
The Birth Ceremony of Janabe Fatima al Zahra is nearing.
We have a duty to help the Needy Women in Kashmir.
Once again we are appealing for your contribution of $50 to give a Sewing Machine to the Needy that can be a capital for long term for the poor family.
At the same time it can be Your Continuous Sawaab as Long as the Sewing Machine works. Means you are participating in Long Term Sawaab with a small contribution of $50.
Our Targeted Family to be helped are 114 this year, please contribute as much as you can so that we can reach 114 needy family.
1.5 Million Shia of Jammu & Kashmir
Yet Less attention is given!!!
Indian Army Occupation,
Azadi (Freedom) Dilemma,
Salafi - Wahhabi Segregation and Aggression!
Majority Shias are living in limbo!
It is shocking to mention most of the Shia Communities in Jammu and Kashmir are living life of Oppression, Depression, Illiteracy and Below Poverty level.
+1 647 3494673
Send your donation directly to the following address.
Help on Humanitatirian Basis
State Bank of India (CANADA) Scarborough Branch
Name: Hashim H. Ali
Transit # 07192-Institution # 294
SWIFT: SBINCATX-A/c # 517 46110500
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You can now Donate by Pay Pal in US Dollars click
Hashim H.Ali
511-2727 Victoria Park Ave.E.
Toronto, ONTARIO M1T 1A6
+1 647 349 4673
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