JAMMU & KASHMIR SATE-181152. INDIA .New location July 8, 2011
Dars e Qur'an & Library
Tailoring Class will soon start.
Computer and Generator needed to start Computer Class
Hashim Okera
Donate Easily by PayPal Pay easily by PayPal
or Send your Check to Hashim Ali 511-2727 Victoria Park Ave E. Toronto ONTARIO M1T 1A6, CANADA
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
(Please forward to Mo'mineen)
There are many New Islamic Books lying on the shelves or in the Basement in Many Houses that is not used for one or other reasons.
There is opportunity to send Urdu, Gujarati, Hindi, English or Farsi Books to the following Library.
Jammu is Hindu dominated area with very little Tabligh works. Shia Youths are influenced by the bad environment.
You can spend little amount on postage or cargo but you will get continous rewards. (Please when sending any books make sure books usable and new to the following addresses
do not expect that they will pay any amount at the receiving packets. Make sure that you pay full and the receiving do not have to pay even a single Rupees.
If you know Those Muslim Organizations who give Free Books please pass the following address to them, that is also a good deed one can do.
Founder: Sayed Zaidi
Ahluebai Islamic Society
Kargil Colony Bathandi,
Jammu 181152
Founder and Director
Eng. Sayed Ajaz Hussain Zaidi
Mob.No +919419122062
Please donate generously direct to the Bank Account
Sayed Azaz Hussain
Account No 10024239888
BC 2922177 9124
Rihary Colony, Jammu [J&K] (INDIA)
If any person wants to donate the books or want to help, he can contact us as per given address or as per given bank account
Idara Abul Fazl Abbas a.s.
Magam, Kashmir 193401, (INDIA)
Phone: 091 - 01951 - 272408
Islamic Library
Magam, Kashmir, J&K, India
For More Information Visit
Our Successful and Most Appreciated Project that Cost Small Amount to Share in Sawabe Jaariyya Every Mo'min Living in the West and North America Can Afford
to Contribute.
Women Development Scheme - With a small donation of $58 it can be an investment for a Needy Shia Women
Dear Brothers and Sisters
Assalamo Alaykum,
We are thankful to all those who support and donate generously without your support we could not move anywhere. This is being our hobby to help people and do Tabligh work, our satisfaction lies in doing Tabligh work. Please do continue to support. Sewing Machines will be provided every month through out the year as it is appreciated project. Donate every month.
Assalamo Alaykum,
We are thankful to all those who support and donate generously without your support we could not move anywhere. This is being our hobby to help people and do Tabligh work, our satisfaction lies in doing Tabligh work. Please do continue to support. Sewing Machines will be provided every month through out the year as it is appreciated project. Donate every month.
https://www.paypal.com/cgi- bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick& hosted_button_id=4GHHMZSYJ7GKQ
Donate Easily by PayPal
Pay easily by PayPal
or Send your Check to Hashim Ali 511-2727 Victoria Park Ave E. Toronto ONTARIO M1T 1A6, CANADA
+1 647 349 4673
http://hashimokera.blogspot. com
Insha Allah, our next plan for distribution of Sewing Machines to the Kashmiri Women applicants at Darul Quran al Zahra, Srinagar, Kashmir is planned on 15th Shaban 1432 on 17th July, 2011.
Still people can take part in this Good Deeds. This will be our continuous effort to give Kashmiri Women to be self sufficient.
For more information Please visit http://darulquran.khidmat.org
Donate continuously for this project it will run through out the year.
Your donation of $58 will be a capital for the Needy Shia Kashmiri Applicants to make livings in the time of Crises
Monthly donation of any amount is welcome
Still people can take part in this Good Deeds. This will be our continuous effort to give Kashmiri Women to be self sufficient.
For more information Please visit http://darulquran.khidmat.org
Donate continuously for this project it will run through out the year.
Your donation of $58 will be a capital for the Needy Shia Kashmiri Applicants to make livings in the time of Crises
Monthly donation of any amount is welcome
Assalamo Alaykum,
We are thankful to all those who support and donate generously without your support we could not move anywhere. This is being our hobby to help people and do Tabligh work, our satisfaction lies in doing Tabligh work. Please do continue to support.
Donate Easily by PayPal
Pay easily by PayPal
or Send your Check to Hashim Ali 511-2727 Victoria Park Ave E. Toronto ONTARIO M1T 1A6, CANADA
Insha Allah, our next plan for distribution of Sewing Machines to the Kashmiri Women applicants at Darul Quran al Zahra, Srinagar, Kashmir is planned on 15th Shaban 1432 on 17th July, 2011.
Still people can take part in this Good Deeds. This will be our continuous effort to give Kashmiri Women to be self sufficient.
For more information Please visit http://darulquran.khidmat.org
Donate continuously for this project it will run through out the year.
Your donation of $58 will be a capital for the Needy Shia Kashmiri Applicants to make livings in the time of Crises
Monthly donation of any amount is welcome
Still people can take part in this Good Deeds. This will be our continuous effort to give Kashmiri Women to be self sufficient.
For more information Please visit http://darulquran.khidmat.org
Donate continuously for this project it will run through out the year.
Your donation of $58 will be a capital for the Needy Shia Kashmiri Applicants to make livings in the time of Crises
Monthly donation of any amount is welcome
We extended supporting next Islamic Center in Jammu that is suffering without fund and Jammu has very little Tabligh activities in the Hindu dominated area. All funding organization do not support communities who have good ideas, only support those already established. That is why it is our responsiblity to support such people who need support.
Sayed Ijaz Zaidi the founder says, "The motive behind establishing Ahlebait Islamic Library/Makatib is to spread Islamic teachings as per the sayings of the Holy Ahlul Bait (A.S.). and to promote good understanding between Shiaism and other like minded sects of Islam. In the Jammu region there are about 60% believers of Islam. Migratory population from Kashmir belonging to the Shia/Sunni sects of Islam visit Jammu during winters comprising of employees of the government secretariat who are shifted to the winter capital of Jammu & Kashmir i.e. Jammu during Darbar Move and apart from this people belonging to Ladakh region i.e. Leh and Kargil also stay at Jammu for Six winter months. Our effort is to make religious knowledge available to these migratory population and the locals as well. Bathindi area of Jammu is the only place in India where believers of Shiasm and Sunnis live in peace and harmony, so in order to strengthen this bond between Shias and Sunnis and for providing a common platform for both the sects the Ahlebait Islamic Library shall prove very beneficial as we have made."
Empty Ahlebait Islamic Center with Liberay is waiting for you!
A Mo'min in Toronto has promised to support for monthly rent and the cost of 2 staff at the cost of $300 per month.

But more is needed like computers, books for library. We will also start Women Development Project to support needy Women by providing a Sewing Machines at the cost of $58.
(note: price is hiking in every item in India that is why you will see the amount increased from $50 to $58 and from $80 to $85. We do not charge any administration cost all donations that you pay goes directly to Islamic Centers in India)
Donation Appeal: No amount is small Please donate generously. You can even donate any amount monthly.
May Allah (swt) keep you under His protection.

Brother Sarwar Hussain and Brother Imtiyaz Ali deliver Sewing Machines to the Darul Quran al Zahra on behalf of my self and donors.

But more is needed like Computers, Books for library.
We will also start Women Development Project to support needy Women by providing a Sewing Machines at the cost of $58.
(note: price is hiking in every item in India that is why you will see the amount increased from $50 to $58 and from $80 to $85.
We do not charge any administration cost all donations that you pay goes directly to Islamic Centers in India)
Donation Appeal: No amount is small Please donate generously. You can even donate any amount monthly.
May Allah (swt) keep you under His protection.
With the support of Mo'mineen all over the world, we received the amount of
86 Sewing Machines till now June 3, 2011.
During the Ceremony 63 Sewing Machines were given to the applicants on May 26th 2011
3 additional Sewing Machines at the cost of $80 with table for Tailoring Class
Now there are 8 Sewing Machines in the Tailoring Class
30 Plastic Chairs for Class Rooms
3 Teachers Table
When we started the students used to sit down on the floor to study
Our Next plan for distribution of Sewing Machines to the Kashmiri Women applicants at Darul Quran al Zahra, Srinagar, Kashmir is planned on 15th Shaban 1432 on 17th July, 2011.
Still people can take part in this Good Deeds. This will be our continuous effort to give Kashmiri Women to be self sufficient.
This time we intend to keep $58 for sponsoring each sewing Machine. What ever Rupees Darul Quran al Zahra will save after buying Sewing Machine. It will be solely used for Women Development Scheme. Darul Quran al Zahra, Srinagar, Kashmir.(INDIA)
Empty Ahlebait Islamic Center with Liberay is waiting for you!
A Mo'min in Toronto has promised to support for monthly rent and the cost of a staff at the cost of $300 per month.
Mo'mineen have contributed 4 Sewing Machines with Table for the Tailoring Class at the cost $85 each.A Mo'min in Toronto has promised to support for monthly rent and the cost of a staff at the cost of $300 per month.

But more is needed like Computers, Books for library.
We will also start Women Development Project to support needy Women by providing a Sewing Machines at the cost of $58.
(note: price is hiking in every item in India that is why you will see the amount increased from $50 to $58 and from $80 to $85.
We do not charge any administration cost all donations that you pay goes directly to Islamic Centers in India)
Donation Appeal: No amount is small Please donate generously. You can even donate any amount monthly.
May Allah (swt) keep you under His protection.
With the support of Mo'mineen all over the world, we received the amount of
86 Sewing Machines till now June 3, 2011.
During the Ceremony 63 Sewing Machines were given to the applicants on May 26th 2011
3 additional Sewing Machines at the cost of $80 with table for Tailoring Class
Now there are 8 Sewing Machines in the Tailoring Class
30 Plastic Chairs for Class Rooms
3 Teachers Table
When we started the students used to sit down on the floor to study
Our Next plan for distribution of Sewing Machines to the Kashmiri Women applicants at Darul Quran al Zahra, Srinagar, Kashmir is planned on 15th Shaban 1432 on 17th July, 2011.
Still people can take part in this Good Deeds. This will be our continuous effort to give Kashmiri Women to be self sufficient.
To all Generous Donors the cost of Machine that we asked was exactly as the price of
a Sewing Machine in Kashmir without any charges. But this time the price of sewing machine rose about $3 each,
As everybody is aware because of the high cost of fuel everything rose in Kashmir.
Thanks to the Generous Donors who donated for General purpose so
that we could cover the cost of Sewing Machines.
Other thing I want to point out that those who pay by Paypal, Paypal charge about 3.5%, we lose money.
Paypal charges even more when remitted US dollars.
Please consider all above points.
Request to all Canadian Donors to please issue a check on my name Hashim H.Ali.
511-2727 Victoria Park Ave. E., Toronto, ON M1T 1A6, CANDA.
a Sewing Machine in Kashmir without any charges. But this time the price of sewing machine rose about $3 each,
As everybody is aware because of the high cost of fuel everything rose in Kashmir.
Thanks to the Generous Donors who donated for General purpose so
that we could cover the cost of Sewing Machines.
Other thing I want to point out that those who pay by Paypal, Paypal charge about 3.5%, we lose money.
Paypal charges even more when remitted US dollars.
Please consider all above points.
Request to all Canadian Donors to please issue a check on my name Hashim H.Ali.
511-2727 Victoria Park Ave. E., Toronto, ON M1T 1A6, CANDA.
On behalf of Darul Quran al Zahra, Srinagar, Kashmir, (INDIA), on behalf Imam Mahdi a.j.f. my self and my family
I would like to thank all supporters donors those who donate for monthly expenses of $800 of Darul Quran al Zahra,
those who donate regularly for general expenses and all those who donated for the Sewing Machines.
Hashim Okera Phone: +1 647 349 4673 - email: hh.okera@yahoo.com - http://hashimokera.blogspot. com
I would like to thank all supporters donors those who donate for monthly expenses of $800 of Darul Quran al Zahra,
those who donate regularly for general expenses and all those who donated for the Sewing Machines.
Hashim Okera Phone: +1 647 349 4673 - email: hh.okera@yahoo.com - http://hashimokera.blogspot.
Muslims "must" unite all over the World
and pray for the appearance of al Mahdi (r.a.) the Savior of mankind
the descendant of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.
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