In the Name of Allah The Most Benficiant and The Most Merciful

In the Name of Allah The Most Benficiant and The Most MercifulFree Hit Counters

Freedom and Independece (Azadi) Defined, by Hakim M.Ilyas

Hakim Mohammad Ilyas July 29 at 2:03am
What does freedom and independence (AZADI) mean to an average Kashmiri. Even though a recent poll by Indian Express shows that 87% of the people in Kashmir Valley prefer an independent Kashmir. However, the international community including India, Pakistan and China would not permit an independent soverign Kashmir, nor was it envisioned in various UN resolutions, which gave Kashmirs a limited choice between India and Pakistan through a plebisite.

Based on conversations with a widespecrum of people over serval years, which include business people, shopkepers, lawyers, judges, farmers, Govt. Bureaucrats, taxi Drivers, Shikara Walls, Educators, Intellectual and Politicians and others, we believe Kashmiris desire for freedom and independence is as follows.
1 Freedom to be able to breath freely which is very difficilt in a highly militrized and suffocating enviornment.
2 Freeedom to travel without being stopped, searched, frisked and being constantly harassed and humiliated.
3 Freedom from the threat of being picked up and ever seen again.
4 Freedom from the threat of being shot at.
5 Freedom for our women from the threat of being assaulted.
6 Freedom from fear of in security.
7 freedom to form our own system of government and govern ourselves in a free and democreatic manner.
8 freedom to choose our own leaders rahter than those being thrust upon us.
9 Freedom to establish our own laws and constitution.
10 Freedom to establish our own independent judiciary and our own Suprene Court (as it was prior to 1953).#
11 Freedom to fly our flag with homour, pride and dignity.
12. Freedom to travel freely and meet our loved ones in the other side of Kashmir.
13. Freedom to trade freely with our neighbours.
14. Freedom to establish our own educational system and operate our own educational institutions.
15. Freedom to establish our own independent Election Commission with our neighbours and possiblity SAARC members serving on it.
16. Freedom to control our own roads, highways and our natural resources.
17. Freedom from the threat of violence from both the Indian Security Forces and the militants.
18. Freedom to establish our own national guard, for safety and security of our people.
19. Finally, freedom to determine our own future and destiny with the help, cooperation and support from both Indian and Pakistan.

Kashmiris United for Freedom Peace and Justice.