Ahlebait Islamic Liberary/Makatib -
Kargil Colony Bathindi, Jammu
I read in face book news you write about Kashmir news , but why you are ignore the Jammu province . you know maximum Kashmir/Kargil people are adjust in Jammu province and no facilities to shia in Jammu province [poonch rajouri. Doda. Ramban chanderkot etc]so please give your attention to words Jammu province day by day Wahhabi are open his darsgaha /School and give the all facilities to other communities,[Gujjar/ Bakarwal] very good chance for us if we provided the books education etc to these com communities,to know the Ahlebait A.S. non availability of fund our mission is is going very slow and all the Social Worker Field Worker Social Activist are giving his consideration only Kashmir and kargil
So please don’t ignore us so I request you please help us to make Masjaid library and Makatab for all you can see us on our website
Would you please be with us for a little while to have a glimpse of dedicated efforts to promote human values in the coming generations by adorning the kids with religious education. Ahlebait Islamic Library/Makatab Kargil Colony Bathindi Jammu forms the basis of a much broader and all important mission of religious awakening and Harmony between Shia and Sunnis of the area.
To make this dream come true a library by the name of Ahlebait Islamic Library/Makatab is established at Kargil Colony Bathindi Jammu.
The motive behind establishing Ahlebait Islamic Library/Makatib is to spread Islamic teachings as per the sayings of the Holy Ahlul Bait (A.S.). and to promote good understanding between Shiaism and other like minded sects of Islam. In the Jammu region there are about 60% believers of Islam. Migratory population from Kashmir belonging to the Shia/Sunni sects of Islam visit Jammu during winters comprising of employees of the government secretariat who are shifted to the winter capital of Jammu & Kashmir i.e. Jammu during Darbar Move and apart from this people belonging to Ladakh region i.e. Leh and Kargil also stay at Jammu for Six winter months. Our effort is to make religious knowledge available to these migratory population and the locals as well. Bathindi area of Jammu is the only place in India where believers of Shiasm and Sunnis live in peace and harmony, so in order to strengthen this bond between Shias and Sunnis and for providing a common platform for both the sects the Ahlebait Islamic Library shall prove very beneficial as we have made.
Thinks for immediately reply it is bring to your kind notice please see our website .www.ahlebaitmakatib.com you found nformation . sir. In Jammu province there is no Big Darsgha /library for shia so that some area of Jammu Province is totally ignore. and the wahbiat is going on they provided free books education to the poor peopleThis golden chance for us we easily convert the Sunni [Barlvi/ devbandi] Gujjar/ Bakarwal in shia if we non political origination help us Sir at present in our Makatab 35 childeren are read Quran and Deniyat we paying with own pocket to the Molbi and purchasing of Books etc
It also bring to your kind notice if Social Worker Field Worker Social Activist hel us we are ready to open a school Ahlebait Islamic high school for poor and yateem boys and girls
There are people who obey God to gain His favors, they are like businessmen trading with God, while there are some who obey Him to keep themselves free from His Wrath, they act as slaves, but they are few who obey Him out of their sense of gratitude and obligation, they act as gentlemen and noblemen.... Hazrat ALi (as.)
Would you please be with us for a little while to have a glimpse of dedicated efforts to promote human values in the coming generations by adorning the kids with religious education. Ahlebait Islamic Library/Makatab Kargil Colony Bathindi Jammu forms the basis of a much broader and all important mission of religious awakening and Harmony between Shia and Sunnis of the area.
To make this dream come true a library by the name of Ahlebait Islamic Library/Makatab is established at Kargil Colony Bathindi Jammu.
The motive behind establishing Ahlebait Islamic Library/Makatib is to spread Islamic teachings as per the sayings of the Holy Ahlul Bait (A.S.). and to promote good understanding between Shiaism and other like minded sects of Islam. In the Jammu region there are about 60% believers of Islam. Migratory population from Kashmir belonging to the Shia/Sunni sects of Islam visit Jammu during winters comprising of employees of the government secretariat who are shifted to the winter capital of Jammu & Kashmir i.e. Jammu during Darbar Move and apart from this people belonging to Ladakh region i.e. Leh and Kargil also stay at Jammu for Six winter months. Our effort is to make religious knowledge available to these migratory population and the locals as well. Bathindi area of Jammu is the only place in India where believers of Shiasm and Sunnis live in peace and harmony, so in order to strengthen this bond between Shias and Sunnis and for providing a common platform for both the sects the Ahlebait Islamic Library shall prove very beneficial as we have made.
Future Plans:-
· To establish a full fledged Islamic Library for both Shia/Sunni.
· To constructed library hall/class rooms and residential rooms for the Molanas.
· To help deserving and destitute students.
· To sponsor orphan students affected due to militancy related incidences.
Future Plans:-
· To establish a full fledged Islamic Library for both Shia/Sunni.
· To construct A Masjaida A Ali A.S. and library hall/class rooms and residential rooms for the
· To help deserving and destitute students.
· To extend Preoperational Tours & hold more Education & Religious Conferences.
· To make arrangements for Lectures/Speeches of scholars about Ahlul Bait (A.S)
Join the Caravan:
· Motivate the other members of the community to help the Library/Maktab.
· Donate annually or in lump sum for Eisal-e-Sawab of your deceased relations.
· Donate Khums,Zakat, Fitra,Sadqa and hides of animals of sacrifice.
· Accumulate the petty sadaqa of yours, & your family also for Imam-e-Zaman (A.S.) and send it to the library/maktab monthly.
· Request is being extended to all interested Publishers/ Authors and relevant organizations to donate books/publications for the library.
· Help us generously for carrying out the mission of Ahlul Bait A.S.
Library Founders/Contact Persons:-
1. Er Sayed Ajaz Hussain Zaidi Mob.No +919419122062
STATE BANK OF INDIAI. Jammu [J&K] 2922177 9124.Account No 10024239888
VIST US.WWW.ahlebaitmakatib.com
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