You Can Now Donate Online for Dar Ul Qu'an Al Zahra, Srinagar WITH THE NAME OF ALLAH THE MERCIFULL and COMPASSIONATE
“Words of an Organizer”
By the grace of Allah Almighty ,I Samina Mrs. of hajat-ul- Islam Molvi Syed Abid hussain Razivi laid the foundation of an institution by the Name “Darul -Quran Al – Zahra” ( A.S) in September 2006 (Shaban-Ul –Muazum1427 A.H ).The aim of the establishing the institution is to raise the intellectual standard and to enlighten the hearts & souls of our women folk with the teachings of Quran & Sunnah so that they remain updated and broad vision and can easily tackle the problems of cultural invasion that the western world have imposed on us .
Beautiful quotes of Imam Khomeini regarding the status of women in society:
“A Nation whose women stand in the front ranks for the achieving of Islamic goals will never suffer harm”
“The women are the people who give their youth and then are honored ( by their martyrdom),a woman who endows her child and then says, I am honored that I was able to serve Islam this way “.
Keeping in view the beautiful sayings of Imam Khomeini, we made an initiative to work upon women folk as they are considered as building blocks of a society.
Our initial efforts were to organize different programmes in order to motivate and grasp the attention of youngsters as their hearts are most fertile one to accept the truth.
Ist phase----Initial frame – work of Programmes:-
i) Muharam- Ul –Haram:-
· Innovative Lectures during the month of Muharam –Ul-Haram.
· Celebration of Eid – E –Zahara (A.S).
ii) Mah-E- Ramadham:-
· Recitation of 30 chapters (each chapter a day) of Al-Quran in the Holy month Of Ramadham
· Teaching the tafseer of Dua-e-Abu Hamzah Thamalee..
· Teaching of Ahkamie Mah-e-Ramadham.
iii) Special Programmes includes:-
· Celebration of birth and death anniversaries of our great Islamic Leaders.
At the beginning, there was poor response, few women get motivated, but we did not lose our hope and continued our hard work with full enthusiasm, determination and it is the fruit of that firmness &hard work which results our thoughts /ideas to in the concrete form of small institution, Darul-e-Quran Al Zahara (A.S).
There was no financial support of general masses till now. We propagate and continue our mission with our own efforts, but no doubt, the participation of women especially the young and energetic ones identified encouraged us.
Second Phase:-
In order to upgrade the standard of our curriculum and infra structure, we need the financial support so that we lead our mission a step forward and to in calculate the moral values and ethics in our women –folk in this challenging society.
Presently, the institution(maktab) remain open throughout the year and we are engaged in importing Islamic education and Awareness among the women & in future we are going to open vocational training programmes for Desired women along with Islamic education.
The present extended and diversified frame work of our programme includes:-
· Teaching of Islamic history.
· Teaching of Ahadhees.
· Teaching of Al- Quran its methods and rules.
· Teaching of Arabic grammar.
Photograph of new building and women attending lectures, women members attending meeting.
c/o Hashim H.Ali (Hashim Okera
511-2727 Victoria Park Ave. E. Toronto,
+1 647 3494673
The Board of Directors & Members of Darul Quran Al Zahara (A.S) are as under:-
Chair Lady Mrs Sameena Abid Phone 9596093166 founder of Darul Quran Al Zahara (A.S) is very honest & religious lady and she has worked hard for establishment of Darul Quran Al Zahra (A.S).
Vice Chair Lady Miss Ishrat Huda Phone No 9906627466 Msc Working in private Educational Institute as Vice Principal
Treasuror Mrs Syed Meema Sajjad Phone 9419015195 & 9906597225 M.A Working as Banking Officer in leading Bank of J&K State JK Bank
Secretary Miss Ambreen Yousaf Phone 9906957935 Student Msc Botany Reasearch Scholar (KU)
Member Miss Syed Aneesa Phone 9906706000 Bsc with Five year degree in Islamic Education from Iran.
Other members are
Dr Shahida Aga,
Mrs Anjum Imtiyaz W/o Justice Hakeem Imtiyaz.
Mrs Batool Ishtiyaq,
Darul Quran Al Zahra is a Muslim Organization to be run as per the teaching of Imam Jaffar Sadiq (A.S).
Darul Quran Al Zahra is an institution established in Jammu and Kashmir
Particularly in Srinagar District’s Lal Bazar area to impart Islamic Knowledge & Craft
Work to Muslim women. The main focus of institution is to impart (Islamic Knowledg. I.e. Quranic teachings and Hadis etc to all Muslim women young or adult.
To celebrate Martyr and birth anniversaries of Ahlibat Athar vocational training like cutting tailoring
Embroidery tilla work computer training is also included.
1. Any women who will be the member of Darul Quran should not be directly or indirectly involved
with any political party.
2. The governing body of Darul Quran Al Zahra will have five members along with Managing
Director, General Secretary, Financial Advisor and Joint Secretary who will be selected from
Permanent members of Darul Quran after every five years.
3. The managing director will have the power to select ten working members from permanent
members of Darul Quran Al Zahra & also have the power to change or select any member as per
4. Any member who will create indiscipline or found guilty will be disqualified from membership.
5. If any member of the Board will have excellent performanance she will be reserved for the
same position again.
6. Institution will have two types of members permanent & temporary. A permanent member will
have to pay Rs. 1000/= yearly fee and temporary membership fee is Rs 100/= yearly.
7. Only the permanent member will have voting power.
Public Relation.
1. Public relation will be headed by General Secretary along with Joint secretary as member.
2. Public relation will be responsible for printing / publishing of all types of posters, Banners
and; conducting programmes.
3. Public relation will organize Majalis, celebrations days of Ahlibat Athar’s on their Martyr and
Birth anniversaries.
4. Public relation will have full authority to run the institution, & also interact with other
Similar organization.
5. The General Secretary will also take care of Stock registrar, receipt/ dispatch registrar.
Financial Advisor.
1. The financial advisor /Accountant will look after the day book/cash book, bank Accounts,
prepare yearly balance sheet etc.
2. The Sadka/ Niyaz etc will be accepted with the permission of our Islamic Leader/Mujtahid.
3. The resolution will be submitted by the organization to the bank for opening of account,
which can be operated by two members selected by the organization.
4. The salary of teachers, helpers will be decided by the Board Members as per requirement.
5. The accommodation for the Institution will be hired on rental basis with proper
Agreement with land lord, It will be changed according to circumstances.
6. In case our Institution God forbid gets abolished the resources or the
Stocks/material will go in the hands of other Islamic Organization or Mujtahid.
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